About Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient rehab centers are typically hospital like settings that provide care for a range of mental health problems, physical impairments, and substance abuse situations. Inpatient rehab provides the most secure methods of treatment to assist the patient in recovering without having to cope with pressures from outside sources. While inpatient rehab is one of the most common methods of treatment for heavily abused drugs, severe mental health conditions and severe physical impairments, there are also other methods of treatment such as outpatient rehab centers which do not provide such stringent monitoring but can still be very beneficial in helping patients to recover.
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Treatment OptionsWhat is Inpatient Rehab?
Many people wonder what inpatient rehab is and how it can help them with their drug or alcohol addiction problems. During inpatient rehab, medical support and care is provided to ensure that the recovering addict is safe and has the assistance that they need to fully recover from their addiction without the potential for undue danger or harm to themselves. By providing around-the-clock monitoring and support, inpatient rehab programs are able to offer a better chance at recovery from addiction without relapse, but this does not mean that every individual who enters inpatient rehab will make a full recovery and will never relapse. Unfortunately, relapse is often just another part of the addiction recovery process that many addicts will face over and over again before finally becoming strong-willed enough to say no to drugs.
Difference Between Inpatient Rehab & Outpatient Rehab
There are some distinct differences between inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab programs. For instance, inpatient rehab programs provide medical care and monitoring as well as meals and housing while the individual is in treatment. These programs are set in a hospital-like atmosphere and are able to provide the patient with everything they need while they are in treatment. Outpatient rehab programs are usually only open during routine business hours such as from 8am until 8pm each day and they provide services during these hours. No after hours services, monitoring, housing or meals are provided at outpatient rehab programs. Each type of rehab program has it’s own benefits and can be helpful for unique situations.
Choosing an Inpatient Rehab Program
Choosing the best inpatient rehab program for your individual needs takes time and effort. The most important factors to consider when you begin to decide between the many different types of inpatient rehab programs that are available are the program effectiveness, the duration of the program and the cost of the program. Insurance coverage is often available for rehabilitation programs but not in all cases so you’ll want to check with your insurance provider as well as with the rehab center that you choose in order to ensure that the rehab program which you choose will be covered by the insurance.
Deciding Between Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab
The actual severity of your addiction can make a big difference in what type of rehabilitation program you should choose. Some minor addictions do not require the extensive monitoring or support that is offered at inpatient rehab while other, more severe addictions may require as much monitoring and support as can be provided at an inpatient facility. Deciding between the two different types of rehabilitation can be a difficult process if you are unsure of what each program has to offer. Considering the severity of the addiction, the length of time that an individual has used drugs or alcohol and the number of times that an individual has already attempted to take part in a treatment program can all have an impact on which level of rehabilitation should be chosen. Inpatient rehab is best for those who have already tried outpatient treatment or for those who have a severe addiction that poses a significant risk to themselves or to others.
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1 (888) 460-6556What is Acute Inpatient Rehab?
Acute inpatient rehab is a type of rehabilitation program that focuses on helping patients who have lost function as a result of a particular injury, illness or addiction. The main purpose of acute inpatient rehab is to help patients to regain their ability to work, perform daily activities or otherwise live without assistance. Most of the time, acute inpatient rehab is provided to seniors or to those who have had a recent injury or surgery but there are a variety of different reasons and causes for acute rehab. Comprehensive rehabilitation is provided at acute inpatient rehabilitation programs to assist those who have had amputations, strokes, or other physical conditions that have caused them to lose mobility or function.